It is a common misconception that a by-law enforcement officer has jurisdiction under all municipal activities. This is not the case. For example The Town of Winnipeg Beach currently contracts an animal control officer who enforces the rules as established under By-Law #2-2014 (See Animal Control), and they do not have the responsibility of enforcing other municipal by-laws.
The Town contracts a By-Law Enforcement Officer. This officer will react to complaints on matters such as (For example):
- Open fires
- Unsightly properties
- Unlicensed Businesses
- Skateboarding
- Parking on municipal streets
Please contact the By-Law Enforcement Officer at 204-641-5479 or bylawenforcement@winnipegbeach.ca
For issues such as loud parties, intoxicated persons, dangerous driving etc..please contact the Gimli RCMP @ 642-5106.